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Lead the Way: Choose the Right Absorbency Level

Absorption légère - Culotte menstruelle Newex
Light Absorbency - Newex Period Panties

Light absorbency. Up to 9 ml (approx. 1 tampon).
Light flow

Absorption régulière - Culotte menstruelle Newex
Regular Absorbency - Newex Period Panties

Regular absorbency. Up to 22.5 ml (approx. 2 1/2 tampons).
Regular flow

Absorption super - Culotte menstruelle Newex
Super Absorbency - Newex Period Panties

Super absorbency. Up to 45 ml (approx. 5 tampons).
Heavy flow


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Newex Beyond Periods

Our panties are also perfect for leaks and postpartum! Stay comfortable and confident at all times with our versatile styles.

Newex Beyond Periods

Our panties are also perfect for leaks and postpartum! Stay comfortable and confident at all times with our versatile styles.